Your intentional firearm microstamping manufacturer

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A Technology to Help Solve Gun Crimes, Identify Gun Trafficking Networks and Reduce Gun Violence

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Featured Highlight: TACLABS Demonstrates Microstamping Capabilities with New Jersey Acting Attorney General

June 14th, 2022 | Todd Lizotte, President and CEO of TACLABS, demonstrates Microstamping at Brady United Against Gun Violence event

AG Platkin Finds Microstamping Technology Viable for Use in Commercial Firearms Following Live-Fire Testing

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin today announced that, based on both live-fire testing results and existing peer-reviewed studies, microstamping technology is a viable means of matching an expended cartridge case to the weapon from which it was discharged. This finding represents an important step toward establishing a roster of microstamping-enabled commercial firearms, as contemplated by P.L. 2022, c. 57. 

California’s historic microstamping legislation strengthens gun safety laws thanks to NH technology from TACLABS

For TACLABS, Inc., the signing of SB 452 represents a significant validation of over 30 years of research, innovation, and commitment to gun safety. IFM™ technology, developed by New Hampshire-based company TACLABS, Inc., has paved the way for more effective firearm traceability, enabling law enforcement to swiftly and accurately identify the sources of firearms used in gun-related crimes. 

TACLABS Demonstrates Microstamping Capabilities with New Jersey Acting Attorney General

Todd Lizotte, President and CEO of TACLABS, demonstrates Microstamping at Brady United Against Gun Violence event

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